Package winappdbg :: Module system :: Class SymbolOperations
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Class SymbolOperations

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Encapsulates symbol operations capabilities.

Requires a ModuleContainer.

Note: Labels are an approximated way of referencing memory locations across different executions of the same process, or different processes with common modules. They are not meant to be perfectly unique, and some errors may occur when multiple modules with the same name are loaded, or when module filenames can't be retrieved.

Read more on labels here:

Instance Methods [hide private]
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature
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__use_fuzzy_mode(self, label) source code
int or None
Returns: Memory address of the Wow64 system breakpoint within the process address space.
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int or None
Returns: Memory address of the Wow64 user breakpoint within the process address space.
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int or None
Returns: Memory address of the Wow64 remote breakin breakpoint within the process address space.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

tuple( str or None, str or int or None, int or None )
split_label_fuzzy(self, label)
Splits a label entered as user input.
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sanitize_label(self, label)
Converts a label taken from user input into a well-formed label.
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resolve_label(self, label)
Resolve the memory address of the given label.
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get_label_at_address(self, address, offset=None)
Creates a label from the given memory address.
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load_symbols(self) source code
unload_symbols(self) source code
get_symbols(self) source code
iter_symbols(self) source code
resolve_symbol(self, symbol) source code
get_symbol_at_address(self, address) source code
is_system_defined_breakpoint(self, address)
Returns: True if the given address points to a system defined breakpoint.
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int or None
Returns: Memory address of the system breakpoint within the process address space.
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int or None
Returns: Memory address of the user breakpoint within the process address space.
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int or None
Returns: Memory address of the remote breakin breakpoint within the process address space.
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Class Methods [hide private]
tuple( str or None, str or int or None, int or None )
split_label(cls, label)
Splits a label into it's module, function and offset components, as used in parse_label.
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Static Methods [hide private]
parse_label(module=None, function=None, offset=None)
Creates a label from a module and a function name, plus an offset.
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tuple( str or None, str or int or None, int or None )
Splits a label created with parse_label.
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Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

parse_label(module=None, function=None, offset=None)
Static Method

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Creates a label from a module and a function name, plus an offset.

  • module (None or str) - (Optional) Module name.
  • function (None, str or int) - (Optional) Function name or ordinal.
  • offset (None or int) - (Optional) Offset value.

    If function is specified, offset from the function.

    If function is None, offset from the module.

Returns: str
Label representing the given function in the given module.
  • ValueError - The module or function name contain invalid characters.

Warning: This method only parses the label, it doesn't make sure the label actually points to a valid memory location.

Static Method

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Splits a label created with parse_label.

To parse labels with a less strict syntax, use the split_label_fuzzy method instead.

  • label (str) - Label to split.
Returns: tuple( str or None, str or int or None, int or None )
Tuple containing the module name, the function name or ordinal, and the offset value.

If the label doesn't specify a module, then module is None.

If the label doesn't specify a function, then function is None.

If the label doesn't specify an offset, then offset is 0.

  • ValueError - The label is malformed.

Warning: This method only parses the label, it doesn't make sure the label actually points to a valid memory location.

split_label_fuzzy(self, label)

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Splits a label entered as user input.

It's more flexible in it's syntax parsing than the split_label_strict method, as it allows the exclamation mark (!) to be omitted. The ambiguity is resolved by searching the modules in the snapshot to guess if a label refers to a module or a function. It also tries to rebuild labels when they contain hardcoded addresses.

  • label (str) - Label to split.
Returns: tuple( str or None, str or int or None, int or None )
Tuple containing the module name, the function name or ordinal, and the offset value.

If the label doesn't specify a module, then module is None.

If the label doesn't specify a function, then function is None.

If the label doesn't specify an offset, then offset is 0.

  • ValueError - The label is malformed.

Warning: This method only parses the label, it doesn't make sure the label actually points to a valid memory location.

split_label(cls, label)
Class Method

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Splits a label into it's module, function and offset components, as used in parse_label.

When called as a static method, the strict syntax mode is used:

   winappdbg.Process.split_label( "kernel32!CreateFileA" )

When called as an instance method, the fuzzy syntax mode is used:

   aProcessInstance.split_label( "CreateFileA" )
  • label (str) - Label to split.
Returns: tuple( str or None, str or int or None, int or None )
Tuple containing the module name, the function name or ordinal, and the offset value.

If the label doesn't specify a module, then module is None.

If the label doesn't specify a function, then function is None.

If the label doesn't specify an offset, then offset is 0.

  • ValueError - The label is malformed.

__use_fuzzy_mode(self, label)

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See Also: split_label

sanitize_label(self, label)

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Converts a label taken from user input into a well-formed label.

  • label (str) - Label taken from user input.
Returns: str
Sanitized label.

resolve_label(self, label)

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Resolve the memory address of the given label.

  • label (str) - Label to resolve.
Returns: int
Memory address pointed to by the label.
  • ValueError - The label is malformed or impossible to resolve.
  • RuntimeError - Cannot resolve the module or function.

Note: If multiple modules with the same name are loaded, the label may be resolved at any of them. For a more precise way to resolve functions use the base address to get the Module object (see Process.get_module) and then call Module.resolve.

If no module name is specified in the label, the function may be resolved in any loaded module. If you want to resolve all functions with that name in all processes, call Process.iter_modules to iterate through all loaded modules, and then try to resolve the function in each one of them using Module.resolve.

get_label_at_address(self, address, offset=None)

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Creates a label from the given memory address.

  • address (int) - Memory address.
  • offset (None or int) - (Optional) Offset value.
Returns: str
Label pointing to the given address.

Warning: This method uses the name of the nearest currently loaded module. If that module is unloaded later, the label becomes impossible to resolve.

is_system_defined_breakpoint(self, address)

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  • address (int) - Memory address.
Returns: bool
True if the given address points to a system defined breakpoint. System defined breakpoints are hardcoded into system libraries.


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Returns: int or None
Memory address of the system breakpoint within the process address space. Returns None on error.


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Returns: int or None
Memory address of the Wow64 system breakpoint within the process address space. Returns None on error.


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Returns: int or None
Memory address of the user breakpoint within the process address space. Returns None on error.


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Returns: int or None
Memory address of the Wow64 user breakpoint within the process address space. Returns None on error.


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Returns: int or None
Memory address of the remote breakin breakpoint within the process address space. Returns None on error.


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Returns: int or None
Memory address of the Wow64 remote breakin breakpoint within the process address space. Returns None on error.