Package winappdbg :: Module breakpoint :: Class _BreakpointContainer
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Class _BreakpointContainer

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Encapsulates the capability to contain Breakpoint objects.

Instance Methods [hide private]
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
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__get_running_bp_set(self, tid)
Auxiliary method.
__add_running_bp(self, tid, bp)
Auxiliary method.
__del_running_bp(self, tid, bp)
Auxiliary method.
__del_running_bp_from_all_threads(self, bp)
Auxiliary method.
__cleanup_breakpoint(self, event, bp)
Auxiliary method.
__cleanup_thread(self, event)
Auxiliary method for _notify_exit_thread and _notify_exit_process.
__cleanup_process(self, event)
Auxiliary method for _notify_exit_process.
__cleanup_module(self, event)
Auxiliary method for _notify_unload_dll.
_notify_guard_page(self, event)
Notify breakpoints of a guard page exception event.
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_notify_breakpoint(self, event)
Notify breakpoints of a breakpoint exception event.
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_notify_single_step(self, event)
Notify breakpoints of a single step exception event.
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_notify_load_dll(self, event)
Notify the loading of a DLL.
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_notify_unload_dll(self, event)
Notify the unloading of a DLL.
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_notify_exit_thread(self, event)
Notify the termination of a thread.
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_notify_exit_process(self, event)
Notify the termination of a process.
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__set_break(self, pid, address, action, oneshot)
Used by break_at and stalk_at.
__clear_break(self, pid, address)
Used by dont_break_at and dont_stalk_at.
__set_deferred_breakpoints(self, event)
Used internally.
__set_variable_watch(self, tid, address, size, action)
Used by watch_variable and stalk_variable.
__clear_variable_watch(self, tid, address)
Used by dont_watch_variable and dont_stalk_variable.
__set_buffer_watch(self, pid, address, size, action, bOneShot)
Used by watch_buffer and stalk_buffer.
__clear_buffer_watch_old_method(self, pid, address, size)
Used by dont_watch_buffer and dont_stalk_buffer.
__clear_buffer_watch(self, bw)
Used by dont_watch_buffer and dont_stalk_buffer.
__start_tracing(self, thread)
__stop_tracing(self, thread)
_BreakpointContainer__add_running_bp(self, tid, bp)
Auxiliary method.
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_BreakpointContainer__cleanup_breakpoint(self, event, bp)
Auxiliary method.
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_BreakpointContainer__cleanup_module(self, event)
Auxiliary method for _notify_unload_dll.
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_BreakpointContainer__cleanup_process(self, event)
Auxiliary method for _notify_exit_process.
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_BreakpointContainer__cleanup_thread(self, event)
Auxiliary method for _notify_exit_thread and _notify_exit_process.
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_BreakpointContainer__clear_break(self, pid, address)
Used by dont_break_at and dont_stalk_at.
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_BreakpointContainer__clear_buffer_watch(self, bw)
Used by dont_watch_buffer and dont_stalk_buffer.
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_BreakpointContainer__clear_buffer_watch_old_method(self, pid, address, size)
Used by dont_watch_buffer and dont_stalk_buffer.
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_BreakpointContainer__clear_variable_watch(self, tid, address)
Used by dont_watch_variable and dont_stalk_variable.
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_BreakpointContainer__del_running_bp(self, tid, bp)
Auxiliary method.
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_BreakpointContainer__del_running_bp_from_all_threads(self, bp)
Auxiliary method.
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_BreakpointContainer__get_running_bp_set(self, tid)
Auxiliary method.
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_BreakpointContainer__set_break(self, pid, address, action, oneshot)
Used by break_at and stalk_at.
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_BreakpointContainer__set_buffer_watch(self, pid, address, size, action, bOneShot)
Used by watch_buffer and stalk_buffer.
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_BreakpointContainer__set_deferred_breakpoints(self, event)
Used internally.
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_BreakpointContainer__set_variable_watch(self, tid, address, size, action)
Used by watch_variable and stalk_variable.
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_BreakpointContainer__start_tracing(self, thread) source code
_BreakpointContainer__stop_tracing(self, thread) source code

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

break_at(self, pid, address, action=None)
Sets a code breakpoint at the given process and address.
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dont_break_at(self, pid, address)
Clears a code breakpoint set by break_at.
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hook_function(self, pid, address, preCB=None, postCB=None, paramCount=None, signature=None)
Sets a function hook at the given address.
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dont_hook_function(self, pid, address)
Removes a function hook set by hook_function.
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unhook_function(self, pid, address)
Removes a function hook set by hook_function.
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watch_variable(self, tid, address, size, action=None)
Sets a hardware breakpoint at the given thread, address and size.
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dont_watch_variable(self, tid, address)
Clears a hardware breakpoint set by watch_variable.
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watch_buffer(self, pid, address, size, action=None)
Sets a page breakpoint and notifies when the given buffer is accessed.
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dont_watch_buffer(self, bw, *argv, **argd)
Clears a page breakpoint set by watch_buffer.
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break_on_error(self, pid, errorCode)
Sets or clears the system breakpoint for a given Win32 error code.
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dont_break_on_error(self, pid)
Alias to break_on_error(pid, ERROR_SUCCESS).
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stalk_at(self, pid, address, action=None)
Sets a one shot code breakpoint at the given process and address.
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dont_stalk_at(self, pid, address)
Clears a code breakpoint set by stalk_at.
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stalk_function(self, pid, address, preCB=None, postCB=None, paramCount=None, signature=None)
Sets a one-shot function hook at the given address.
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dont_stalk_function(self, pid, address)
Removes a function hook set by stalk_function.
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stalk_variable(self, tid, address, size, action=None)
Sets a one-shot hardware breakpoint at the given thread, address and size.
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dont_stalk_variable(self, tid, address)
Clears a hardware breakpoint set by stalk_variable.
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stalk_buffer(self, pid, address, size, action=None)
Sets a one-shot page breakpoint and notifies when the given buffer is accessed.
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dont_stalk_buffer(self, bw, *argv, **argd)
Clears a page breakpoint set by stalk_buffer.
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is_tracing(self, tid)
Returns: True if the thread is being traced, False otherwise.
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list( int... )
Retrieves the list of global IDs of all threads being traced.
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start_tracing(self, tid)
Start tracing mode in the given thread.
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stop_tracing(self, tid)
Stop tracing mode in the given thread.
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start_tracing_process(self, pid)
Start tracing mode for all threads in the given process.
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stop_tracing_process(self, pid)
Stop tracing mode for all threads in the given process.
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Start tracing mode for all threads in all debugees.
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Stop tracing mode for all threads in all debugees.
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int, None
resolve_exported_function(self, pid, modName, procName)
Resolves the exported DLL function for the given process.
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resolve_label(self, pid, label)
Resolves a label for the given process.
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    Advanced breakpoint use
define_code_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address, condition=True, action=None)
Creates a disabled code breakpoint at the given address.
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define_page_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address, pages=1, condition=True, action=None)
Creates a disabled page breakpoint at the given address.
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define_hardware_breakpoint(self, dwThreadId, address, triggerFlag=3, sizeFlag=3, condition=True, action=None)
Creates a disabled hardware breakpoint at the given address.
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has_code_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address)
Checks if a code breakpoint is defined at the given address.
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has_page_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address)
Checks if a page breakpoint is defined at the given address.
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has_hardware_breakpoint(self, dwThreadId, address)
Checks if a hardware breakpoint is defined at the given address.
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get_code_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address)
Returns the internally used breakpoint object, for the code breakpoint defined at the given address.
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get_page_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address)
Returns the internally used breakpoint object, for the page breakpoint defined at the given address.
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get_hardware_breakpoint(self, dwThreadId, address)
Returns the internally used breakpoint object, for the code breakpoint defined at the given address.
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enable_code_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address)
Enables the code breakpoint at the given address.
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enable_page_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address)
Enables the page breakpoint at the given address.
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enable_hardware_breakpoint(self, dwThreadId, address)
Enables the hardware breakpoint at the given address.
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enable_one_shot_code_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address)
Enables the code breakpoint at the given address for only one shot.
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enable_one_shot_page_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address)
Enables the page breakpoint at the given address for only one shot.
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enable_one_shot_hardware_breakpoint(self, dwThreadId, address)
Enables the hardware breakpoint at the given address for only one shot.
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disable_code_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address)
Disables the code breakpoint at the given address.
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disable_page_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address)
Disables the page breakpoint at the given address.
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disable_hardware_breakpoint(self, dwThreadId, address)
Disables the hardware breakpoint at the given address.
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erase_code_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address)
Erases the code breakpoint at the given address.
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erase_page_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address)
Erases the page breakpoint at the given address.
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erase_hardware_breakpoint(self, dwThreadId, address)
Erases the hardware breakpoint at the given address.
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    Listing breakpoints
list of tuple( pid, tid, bp )
Returns all breakpoint objects as a list of tuples.
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list of tuple( int, CodeBreakpoint )
Returns: All code breakpoints as a list of tuples (pid, bp).
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list of tuple( int, PageBreakpoint )
Returns: All page breakpoints as a list of tuples (pid, bp).
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list of tuple( int, HardwareBreakpoint )
Returns: All hardware breakpoints as a list of tuples (tid, bp).
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list of tuple( pid, tid, bp )
get_process_breakpoints(self, dwProcessId)
Returns all breakpoint objects for the given process as a list of tuples.
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list of CodeBreakpoint
get_process_code_breakpoints(self, dwProcessId)
Returns: All code breakpoints for the given process.
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list of PageBreakpoint
get_process_page_breakpoints(self, dwProcessId)
Returns: All page breakpoints for the given process.
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list of HardwareBreakpoint
get_thread_hardware_breakpoints(self, dwThreadId)
Returns: All hardware breakpoints for the given thread.
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list of tuple( int, HardwareBreakpoint )
get_process_hardware_breakpoints(self, dwProcessId)
Returns: All hardware breakpoints for each thread in the given process as a list of tuples (tid, bp).
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tuple of (int, str, callable, bool)
Returns a list of deferred code breakpoints.
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tuple of (int, str, callable, bool)
get_process_deferred_code_breakpoints(self, dwProcessId)
Returns a list of deferred code breakpoints.
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    Batch operations on breakpoints
Enables all disabled breakpoints in all processes.
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Enables for one shot all disabled breakpoints in all processes.
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Disables all breakpoints in all processes.
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Erases all breakpoints in all processes.
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enable_process_breakpoints(self, dwProcessId)
Enables all disabled breakpoints for the given process.
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enable_one_shot_process_breakpoints(self, dwProcessId)
Enables for one shot all disabled breakpoints for the given process.
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disable_process_breakpoints(self, dwProcessId)
Disables all breakpoints for the given process.
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erase_process_breakpoints(self, dwProcessId)
Erases all breakpoints for the given process.
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Class Variables [hide private]
    Breakpoint types
int BP_TYPE_ANY = 0
To get all breakpoints
int BP_TYPE_CODE = 1
To get code breakpoints only
int BP_TYPE_PAGE = 2
To get page breakpoints only
To get hardware breakpoints only
    Breakpoint states
Breakpoint is disabled.
Breakpoint is enabled.
Breakpoint is enabled for one shot.
Breakpoint is running (recently hit).
    Memory breakpoint trigger flags
Break on code execution.
Break on memory write.
Break on memory read or write.
    Memory breakpoint size flags
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

define_code_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address, condition=True, action=None)

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Creates a disabled code breakpoint at the given address.

  • dwProcessId (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of the code instruction to break at.
  • condition (function) - (Optional) Condition callback function.

    The callback signature is:

       def condition_callback(event):
           return True     # returns True or False

    Where event is an Event object, and the return value is a boolean (True to dispatch the event, False otherwise).

  • action (function) - (Optional) Action callback function. If specified, the event is handled by this callback instead of being dispatched normally.

    The callback signature is:

       def action_callback(event):
           pass        # no return value

    Where event is an Event object, and the return value is a boolean (True to dispatch the event, False otherwise).

Returns: CodeBreakpoint
The code breakpoint object.

define_page_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address, pages=1, condition=True, action=None)

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Creates a disabled page breakpoint at the given address.

  • dwProcessId (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of the first page to watch.
  • pages (int) - Number of pages to watch.
  • condition (function) - (Optional) Condition callback function.

    The callback signature is:

       def condition_callback(event):
           return True     # returns True or False

    Where event is an Event object, and the return value is a boolean (True to dispatch the event, False otherwise).

  • action (function) - (Optional) Action callback function. If specified, the event is handled by this callback instead of being dispatched normally.

    The callback signature is:

       def action_callback(event):
           pass        # no return value

    Where event is an Event object, and the return value is a boolean (True to dispatch the event, False otherwise).

Returns: PageBreakpoint
The page breakpoint object.

define_hardware_breakpoint(self, dwThreadId, address, triggerFlag=3, sizeFlag=3, condition=True, action=None)

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Creates a disabled hardware breakpoint at the given address.

  • dwThreadId (int) - Thread global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address to watch.
  • triggerFlag (int) - Trigger of breakpoint. Must be one of the following:
  • sizeFlag (int) - Size of breakpoint. Must be one of the following:
  • condition (function) - (Optional) Condition callback function.

    The callback signature is:

       def condition_callback(event):
           return True     # returns True or False

    Where event is an Event object, and the return value is a boolean (True to dispatch the event, False otherwise).

  • action (function) - (Optional) Action callback function. If specified, the event is handled by this callback instead of being dispatched normally.

    The callback signature is:

       def action_callback(event):
           pass        # no return value

    Where event is an Event object, and the return value is a boolean (True to dispatch the event, False otherwise).

Returns: HardwareBreakpoint
The hardware breakpoint object.

has_code_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address)

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Checks if a code breakpoint is defined at the given address.

  • dwProcessId (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of breakpoint.
Returns: bool
True if the breakpoint is defined, False otherwise.

has_page_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address)

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Checks if a page breakpoint is defined at the given address.

  • dwProcessId (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of breakpoint.
Returns: bool
True if the breakpoint is defined, False otherwise.

has_hardware_breakpoint(self, dwThreadId, address)

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Checks if a hardware breakpoint is defined at the given address.

  • dwThreadId (int) - Thread global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of breakpoint.
Returns: bool
True if the breakpoint is defined, False otherwise.

get_code_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address)

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Returns the internally used breakpoint object, for the code breakpoint defined at the given address.

  • dwProcessId (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address where the breakpoint is defined.
Returns: CodeBreakpoint
The code breakpoint object.

Warning: It's usually best to call the Debug methods instead of accessing the breakpoint objects directly.

See Also: define_code_breakpoint, has_code_breakpoint, enable_code_breakpoint, enable_one_shot_code_breakpoint, disable_code_breakpoint, erase_code_breakpoint

get_page_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address)

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Returns the internally used breakpoint object, for the page breakpoint defined at the given address.

  • dwProcessId (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address where the breakpoint is defined.
Returns: PageBreakpoint
The page breakpoint object.

Warning: It's usually best to call the Debug methods instead of accessing the breakpoint objects directly.

See Also: define_page_breakpoint, has_page_breakpoint, enable_page_breakpoint, enable_one_shot_page_breakpoint, disable_page_breakpoint, erase_page_breakpoint

get_hardware_breakpoint(self, dwThreadId, address)

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Returns the internally used breakpoint object, for the code breakpoint defined at the given address.

  • dwThreadId (int) - Thread global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address where the breakpoint is defined.
Returns: HardwareBreakpoint
The hardware breakpoint object.

Warning: It's usually best to call the Debug methods instead of accessing the breakpoint objects directly.

See Also: define_hardware_breakpoint, has_hardware_breakpoint, get_code_breakpoint, enable_hardware_breakpoint, enable_one_shot_hardware_breakpoint, disable_hardware_breakpoint, erase_hardware_breakpoint

enable_code_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address)

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Enables the code breakpoint at the given address.

  • dwProcessId (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of breakpoint.

enable_page_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address)

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Enables the page breakpoint at the given address.

  • dwProcessId (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of breakpoint.

enable_hardware_breakpoint(self, dwThreadId, address)

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Enables the hardware breakpoint at the given address.

  • dwThreadId (int) - Thread global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of breakpoint.

See Also: define_hardware_breakpoint, has_hardware_breakpoint, get_hardware_breakpoint, enable_one_shot_hardware_breakpoint, disable_hardware_breakpoint erase_hardware_breakpoint,

Note: Do not set hardware breakpoints while processing the system breakpoint event.

enable_one_shot_code_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address)

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Enables the code breakpoint at the given address for only one shot.

  • dwProcessId (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of breakpoint.

enable_one_shot_page_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address)

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Enables the page breakpoint at the given address for only one shot.

  • dwProcessId (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of breakpoint.

enable_one_shot_hardware_breakpoint(self, dwThreadId, address)

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Enables the hardware breakpoint at the given address for only one shot.

  • dwThreadId (int) - Thread global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of breakpoint.

disable_code_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address)

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Disables the code breakpoint at the given address.

  • dwProcessId (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of breakpoint.

disable_page_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address)

source code 

Disables the page breakpoint at the given address.

  • dwProcessId (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of breakpoint.

disable_hardware_breakpoint(self, dwThreadId, address)

source code 

Disables the hardware breakpoint at the given address.

  • dwThreadId (int) - Thread global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of breakpoint.

erase_code_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address)

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Erases the code breakpoint at the given address.

  • dwProcessId (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of breakpoint.

erase_page_breakpoint(self, dwProcessId, address)

source code 

Erases the page breakpoint at the given address.

  • dwProcessId (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of breakpoint.

erase_hardware_breakpoint(self, dwThreadId, address)

source code 

Erases the hardware breakpoint at the given address.

  • dwThreadId (int) - Thread global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of breakpoint.


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Returns all breakpoint objects as a list of tuples.

Each tuple contains:

  • Process global ID to which the breakpoint applies.
  • Thread global ID to which the breakpoint applies, or None.
  • The Breakpoint object itself.
Returns: list of tuple( pid, tid, bp )
List of all breakpoints.

Note: If you're only interested in a specific breakpoint type, or in breakpoints for a specific process or thread, it's probably faster to call one of the following methods:


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Returns: list of tuple( int, CodeBreakpoint )
All code breakpoints as a list of tuples (pid, bp).


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Returns: list of tuple( int, PageBreakpoint )
All page breakpoints as a list of tuples (pid, bp).


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Returns: list of tuple( int, HardwareBreakpoint )
All hardware breakpoints as a list of tuples (tid, bp).

get_process_breakpoints(self, dwProcessId)

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Returns all breakpoint objects for the given process as a list of tuples.

Each tuple contains:

  • Process global ID to which the breakpoint applies.
  • Thread global ID to which the breakpoint applies, or None.
  • The Breakpoint object itself.
  • dwProcessId (int) - Process global ID.
Returns: list of tuple( pid, tid, bp )
List of all breakpoints for the given process.

Note: If you're only interested in a specific breakpoint type, or in breakpoints for a specific process or thread, it's probably faster to call one of the following methods:

get_process_code_breakpoints(self, dwProcessId)

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  • dwProcessId (int) - Process global ID.
Returns: list of CodeBreakpoint
All code breakpoints for the given process.

get_process_page_breakpoints(self, dwProcessId)

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  • dwProcessId (int) - Process global ID.
Returns: list of PageBreakpoint
All page breakpoints for the given process.

get_thread_hardware_breakpoints(self, dwThreadId)

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  • dwThreadId (int) - Thread global ID.
Returns: list of HardwareBreakpoint
All hardware breakpoints for the given thread.

get_process_hardware_breakpoints(self, dwProcessId)

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  • dwProcessId (int) - Process global ID.
Returns: list of tuple( int, HardwareBreakpoint )
All hardware breakpoints for each thread in the given process as a list of tuples (tid, bp).


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Enables all disabled breakpoints in all processes.

See Also: enable_code_breakpoint, enable_page_breakpoint, enable_hardware_breakpoint


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Enables for one shot all disabled breakpoints in all processes.

See Also: enable_one_shot_code_breakpoint, enable_one_shot_page_breakpoint, enable_one_shot_hardware_breakpoint


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Disables all breakpoints in all processes.

See Also: disable_code_breakpoint, disable_page_breakpoint, disable_hardware_breakpoint


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Erases all breakpoints in all processes.

See Also: erase_code_breakpoint, erase_page_breakpoint, erase_hardware_breakpoint

enable_process_breakpoints(self, dwProcessId)

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Enables all disabled breakpoints for the given process.

  • dwProcessId (int) - Process global ID.

enable_one_shot_process_breakpoints(self, dwProcessId)

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Enables for one shot all disabled breakpoints for the given process.

  • dwProcessId (int) - Process global ID.

disable_process_breakpoints(self, dwProcessId)

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Disables all breakpoints for the given process.

  • dwProcessId (int) - Process global ID.

erase_process_breakpoints(self, dwProcessId)

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Erases all breakpoints for the given process.

  • dwProcessId (int) - Process global ID.

_notify_guard_page(self, event)

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Notify breakpoints of a guard page exception event.

Returns: bool
True to call the user-defined handle, False otherwise.

_notify_breakpoint(self, event)

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Notify breakpoints of a breakpoint exception event.

Returns: bool
True to call the user-defined handle, False otherwise.

_notify_single_step(self, event)

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Notify breakpoints of a single step exception event.

Returns: bool
True to call the user-defined handle, False otherwise.

_notify_load_dll(self, event)

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Notify the loading of a DLL.

Returns: bool
True to call the user-defined handler, False otherwise.

_notify_unload_dll(self, event)

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Notify the unloading of a DLL.

Returns: bool
True to call the user-defined handler, False otherwise.

_notify_exit_thread(self, event)

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Notify the termination of a thread.

Returns: bool
True to call the user-defined handler, False otherwise.

_notify_exit_process(self, event)

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Notify the termination of a process.

Returns: bool
True to call the user-defined handler, False otherwise.

__set_break(self, pid, address, action, oneshot)


Used by break_at and stalk_at.

  • pid (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int or str) - Memory address of code instruction to break at. It can be an integer value for the actual address or a string with a label to be resolved.
  • action (function) - (Optional) Action callback function.

    See define_code_breakpoint for more details.

  • oneshot (bool) - True for one-shot breakpoints, False otherwise.
Returns: Breakpoint
Returns the new Breakpoint object, or None if the label couldn't be resolved and the breakpoint was deferred. Deferred breakpoints are set when the DLL they point to is loaded.

__clear_break(self, pid, address)


Used by dont_break_at and dont_stalk_at.

  • pid (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int or str) - Memory address of code instruction to break at. It can be an integer value for the actual address or a string with a label to be resolved.

__set_deferred_breakpoints(self, event)


Used internally. Sets all deferred breakpoints for a DLL when it's loaded.



source code 

Returns a list of deferred code breakpoints.

Returns: tuple of (int, str, callable, bool)
Tuple containing the following elements:
  • Process ID where to set the breakpoint.
  • Label pointing to the address where to set the breakpoint.
  • Action callback for the breakpoint.
  • True of the breakpoint is one-shot, False otherwise.

get_process_deferred_code_breakpoints(self, dwProcessId)

source code 

Returns a list of deferred code breakpoints.

  • dwProcessId (int) - Process ID.
Returns: tuple of (int, str, callable, bool)
Tuple containing the following elements:
  • Label pointing to the address where to set the breakpoint.
  • Action callback for the breakpoint.
  • True of the breakpoint is one-shot, False otherwise.

stalk_at(self, pid, address, action=None)

source code 

Sets a one shot code breakpoint at the given process and address.

If instead of an address you pass a label, the breakpoint may be deferred until the DLL it points to is loaded.

  • pid (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int or str) - Memory address of code instruction to break at. It can be an integer value for the actual address or a string with a label to be resolved.
  • action (function) - (Optional) Action callback function.

    See define_code_breakpoint for more details.

Returns: bool
True if the breakpoint was set immediately, or False if it was deferred.

See Also: break_at, dont_stalk_at

break_at(self, pid, address, action=None)

source code 

Sets a code breakpoint at the given process and address.

If instead of an address you pass a label, the breakpoint may be deferred until the DLL it points to is loaded.

  • pid (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int or str) - Memory address of code instruction to break at. It can be an integer value for the actual address or a string with a label to be resolved.
  • action (function) - (Optional) Action callback function.

    See define_code_breakpoint for more details.

Returns: bool
True if the breakpoint was set immediately, or False if it was deferred.

See Also: stalk_at, dont_break_at

dont_break_at(self, pid, address)

source code 

Clears a code breakpoint set by break_at.

  • pid (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int or str) - Memory address of code instruction to break at. It can be an integer value for the actual address or a string with a label to be resolved.

dont_stalk_at(self, pid, address)

source code 

Clears a code breakpoint set by stalk_at.

  • pid (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int or str) - Memory address of code instruction to break at. It can be an integer value for the actual address or a string with a label to be resolved.

hook_function(self, pid, address, preCB=None, postCB=None, paramCount=None, signature=None)

source code 

Sets a function hook at the given address.

If instead of an address you pass a label, the hook may be deferred until the DLL it points to is loaded.

  • pid (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int or str) - Memory address of code instruction to break at. It can be an integer value for the actual address or a string with a label to be resolved.
  • preCB (function) - (Optional) Callback triggered on function entry.

    The signature for the callback should be something like this:

       def pre_LoadLibraryEx(event, ra, lpFilename, hFile, dwFlags):
           # return address
           ra = params[0]
           # function arguments start from here...
           szFilename = event.get_process().peek_string(lpFilename)
           # (...)

    Note that all pointer types are treated like void pointers, so your callback won't get the string or structure pointed to by it, but the remote memory address instead. This is so to prevent the ctypes library from being "too helpful" and trying to dereference the pointer. To get the actual data being pointed to, use one of the methods.

  • postCB (function) - (Optional) Callback triggered on function exit.

    The signature for the callback should be something like this:

       def post_LoadLibraryEx(event, return_value):
           # (...)
  • paramCount (int) - (Optional) Number of parameters for the preCB callback, not counting the return address. Parameters are read from the stack and assumed to be DWORDs in 32 bits and QWORDs in 64.

    This is a faster way to pull stack parameters in 32 bits, but in 64 bits (or with some odd APIs in 32 bits) it won't be useful, since not all arguments to the hooked function will be of the same size.

    For a more reliable and cross-platform way of hooking use the signature argument instead.

  • signature (tuple) - (Optional) Tuple of ctypes data types that constitute the hooked function signature. When the function is called, this will be used to parse the arguments from the stack. Overrides the paramCount argument.
Returns: bool
True if the hook was set immediately, or False if it was deferred.

stalk_function(self, pid, address, preCB=None, postCB=None, paramCount=None, signature=None)

source code 

Sets a one-shot function hook at the given address.

If instead of an address you pass a label, the hook may be deferred until the DLL it points to is loaded.

  • pid (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int or str) - Memory address of code instruction to break at. It can be an integer value for the actual address or a string with a label to be resolved.
  • preCB (function) - (Optional) Callback triggered on function entry.

    The signature for the callback should be something like this:

       def pre_LoadLibraryEx(event, ra, lpFilename, hFile, dwFlags):
           # return address
           ra = params[0]
           # function arguments start from here...
           szFilename = event.get_process().peek_string(lpFilename)
           # (...)

    Note that all pointer types are treated like void pointers, so your callback won't get the string or structure pointed to by it, but the remote memory address instead. This is so to prevent the ctypes library from being "too helpful" and trying to dereference the pointer. To get the actual data being pointed to, use one of the methods.

  • postCB (function) - (Optional) Callback triggered on function exit.

    The signature for the callback should be something like this:

       def post_LoadLibraryEx(event, return_value):
           # (...)
  • paramCount (int) - (Optional) Number of parameters for the preCB callback, not counting the return address. Parameters are read from the stack and assumed to be DWORDs in 32 bits and QWORDs in 64.

    This is a faster way to pull stack parameters in 32 bits, but in 64 bits (or with some odd APIs in 32 bits) it won't be useful, since not all arguments to the hooked function will be of the same size.

    For a more reliable and cross-platform way of hooking use the signature argument instead.

  • signature (tuple) - (Optional) Tuple of ctypes data types that constitute the hooked function signature. When the function is called, this will be used to parse the arguments from the stack. Overrides the paramCount argument.
Returns: bool
True if the breakpoint was set immediately, or False if it was deferred.

dont_hook_function(self, pid, address)

source code 

Removes a function hook set by hook_function.

  • pid (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int or str) - Memory address of code instruction to break at. It can be an integer value for the actual address or a string with a label to be resolved.

unhook_function(self, pid, address)

source code 

Removes a function hook set by hook_function.

  • pid (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int or str) - Memory address of code instruction to break at. It can be an integer value for the actual address or a string with a label to be resolved.

dont_stalk_function(self, pid, address)

source code 

Removes a function hook set by stalk_function.

  • pid (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int or str) - Memory address of code instruction to break at. It can be an integer value for the actual address or a string with a label to be resolved.

__set_variable_watch(self, tid, address, size, action)


Used by watch_variable and stalk_variable.

  • tid (int) - Thread global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of variable to watch.
  • size (int) - Size of variable to watch. The only supported sizes are: byte (1), word (2), dword (4) and qword (8).
  • action (function) - (Optional) Action callback function.

    See define_hardware_breakpoint for more details.

Returns: HardwareBreakpoint
Hardware breakpoint at the requested address.

__clear_variable_watch(self, tid, address)


Used by dont_watch_variable and dont_stalk_variable.

  • tid (int) - Thread global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of variable to stop watching.

watch_variable(self, tid, address, size, action=None)

source code 

Sets a hardware breakpoint at the given thread, address and size.

  • tid (int) - Thread global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of variable to watch.
  • size (int) - Size of variable to watch. The only supported sizes are: byte (1), word (2), dword (4) and qword (8).
  • action (function) - (Optional) Action callback function.

    See define_hardware_breakpoint for more details.

stalk_variable(self, tid, address, size, action=None)

source code 

Sets a one-shot hardware breakpoint at the given thread, address and size.

  • tid (int) - Thread global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of variable to watch.
  • size (int) - Size of variable to watch. The only supported sizes are: byte (1), word (2), dword (4) and qword (8).
  • action (function) - (Optional) Action callback function.

    See define_hardware_breakpoint for more details.

dont_watch_variable(self, tid, address)

source code 

Clears a hardware breakpoint set by watch_variable.

  • tid (int) - Thread global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of variable to stop watching.

dont_stalk_variable(self, tid, address)

source code 

Clears a hardware breakpoint set by stalk_variable.

  • tid (int) - Thread global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of variable to stop watching.

__set_buffer_watch(self, pid, address, size, action, bOneShot)


Used by watch_buffer and stalk_buffer.

  • pid (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of buffer to watch.
  • size (int) - Size in bytes of buffer to watch.
  • action (function) - (Optional) Action callback function.

    See define_page_breakpoint for more details.

  • bOneShot (bool) - True to set a one-shot breakpoint, False to set a normal breakpoint.

__clear_buffer_watch_old_method(self, pid, address, size)


Used by dont_watch_buffer and dont_stalk_buffer.

  • pid (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of buffer to stop watching.
  • size (int) - Size in bytes of buffer to stop watching.

Warning: Deprecated since WinAppDbg 1.5.

__clear_buffer_watch(self, bw)


Used by dont_watch_buffer and dont_stalk_buffer.


watch_buffer(self, pid, address, size, action=None)

source code 

Sets a page breakpoint and notifies when the given buffer is accessed.

  • pid (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of buffer to watch.
  • size (int) - Size in bytes of buffer to watch.
  • action (function) - (Optional) Action callback function.

    See define_page_breakpoint for more details.

Returns: BufferWatch
Buffer watch identifier.

stalk_buffer(self, pid, address, size, action=None)

source code 

Sets a one-shot page breakpoint and notifies when the given buffer is accessed.

  • pid (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of buffer to watch.
  • size (int) - Size in bytes of buffer to watch.
  • action (function) - (Optional) Action callback function.

    See define_page_breakpoint for more details.

Returns: BufferWatch
Buffer watch identifier.

dont_watch_buffer(self, bw, *argv, **argd)

source code 

Clears a page breakpoint set by watch_buffer.


dont_stalk_buffer(self, bw, *argv, **argd)

source code 

Clears a page breakpoint set by stalk_buffer.


__start_tracing(self, thread)

  • thread (Thread) - Thread to start tracing.

__stop_tracing(self, thread)

  • thread (Thread) - Thread to stop tracing.

is_tracing(self, tid)

source code 
  • tid (int) - Thread global ID.
Returns: bool
True if the thread is being traced, False otherwise.


source code 

Retrieves the list of global IDs of all threads being traced.

Returns: list( int... )
List of thread global IDs.

start_tracing(self, tid)

source code 

Start tracing mode in the given thread.

  • tid (int) - Global ID of thread to start tracing.

stop_tracing(self, tid)

source code 

Stop tracing mode in the given thread.

  • tid (int) - Global ID of thread to stop tracing.

start_tracing_process(self, pid)

source code 

Start tracing mode for all threads in the given process.

  • pid (int) - Global ID of process to start tracing.

stop_tracing_process(self, pid)

source code 

Stop tracing mode for all threads in the given process.

  • pid (int) - Global ID of process to stop tracing.

break_on_error(self, pid, errorCode)

source code 

Sets or clears the system breakpoint for a given Win32 error code.

Use Process.is_system_defined_breakpoint to tell if a breakpoint exception was caused by a system breakpoint or by the application itself (for example because of a failed assertion in the code).

  • pid (int) - Process ID.
  • errorCode (int) - Win32 error code to stop on. Set to 0 or ERROR_SUCCESS to clear the breakpoint instead.
  • NotImplementedError - The functionality is not supported in this system.
  • WindowsError - An error occurred while processing this request.

Note: This functionality is only available since Windows Server 2003. In 2003 it only breaks on error values set externally to the kernel32.dll library, but this was fixed in Windows Vista.

Warning: This method will fail if the debug symbols for ntdll (kernel32 in Windows 2003) are not present. For more information see: System.fix_symbol_store_path.

See Also:

dont_break_on_error(self, pid)

source code 

Alias to break_on_error(pid, ERROR_SUCCESS).

  • pid (int) - Process ID.
  • NotImplementedError - The functionality is not supported in this system.
  • WindowsError - An error occurred while processing this request.

resolve_exported_function(self, pid, modName, procName)

source code 

Resolves the exported DLL function for the given process.

  • pid (int) - Process global ID.
  • modName (str) - Name of the module that exports the function.
  • procName (str) - Name of the exported function to resolve.
Returns: int, None
On success, the address of the exported function. On failure, returns None.

resolve_label(self, pid, label)

source code 

Resolves a label for the given process.

  • pid (int) - Process global ID.
  • label (str) - Label to resolve.
Returns: int
Memory address pointed to by the label.
  • ValueError - The label is malformed or impossible to resolve.
  • RuntimeError - Cannot resolve the module or function.

_BreakpointContainer__clear_break(self, pid, address)

source code 

Used by dont_break_at and dont_stalk_at.

  • pid (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int or str) - Memory address of code instruction to break at. It can be an integer value for the actual address or a string with a label to be resolved.

_BreakpointContainer__clear_buffer_watch(self, bw)

source code 

Used by dont_watch_buffer and dont_stalk_buffer.


_BreakpointContainer__clear_buffer_watch_old_method(self, pid, address, size)

source code 

Used by dont_watch_buffer and dont_stalk_buffer.

  • pid (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of buffer to stop watching.
  • size (int) - Size in bytes of buffer to stop watching.

Warning: Deprecated since WinAppDbg 1.5.

_BreakpointContainer__clear_variable_watch(self, tid, address)

source code 

Used by dont_watch_variable and dont_stalk_variable.

  • tid (int) - Thread global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of variable to stop watching.

_BreakpointContainer__set_break(self, pid, address, action, oneshot)

source code 

Used by break_at and stalk_at.

  • pid (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int or str) - Memory address of code instruction to break at. It can be an integer value for the actual address or a string with a label to be resolved.
  • action (function) - (Optional) Action callback function.

    See define_code_breakpoint for more details.

  • oneshot (bool) - True for one-shot breakpoints, False otherwise.
Returns: Breakpoint
Returns the new Breakpoint object, or None if the label couldn't be resolved and the breakpoint was deferred. Deferred breakpoints are set when the DLL they point to is loaded.

_BreakpointContainer__set_buffer_watch(self, pid, address, size, action, bOneShot)

source code 

Used by watch_buffer and stalk_buffer.

  • pid (int) - Process global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of buffer to watch.
  • size (int) - Size in bytes of buffer to watch.
  • action (function) - (Optional) Action callback function.

    See define_page_breakpoint for more details.

  • bOneShot (bool) - True to set a one-shot breakpoint, False to set a normal breakpoint.

_BreakpointContainer__set_deferred_breakpoints(self, event)

source code 

Used internally. Sets all deferred breakpoints for a DLL when it's loaded.


_BreakpointContainer__set_variable_watch(self, tid, address, size, action)

source code 

Used by watch_variable and stalk_variable.

  • tid (int) - Thread global ID.
  • address (int) - Memory address of variable to watch.
  • size (int) - Size of variable to watch. The only supported sizes are: byte (1), word (2), dword (4) and qword (8).
  • action (function) - (Optional) Action callback function.

    See define_hardware_breakpoint for more details.

Returns: HardwareBreakpoint
Hardware breakpoint at the requested address.

_BreakpointContainer__start_tracing(self, thread)

source code 
  • thread (Thread) - Thread to start tracing.

_BreakpointContainer__stop_tracing(self, thread)

source code 
  • thread (Thread) - Thread to stop tracing.